About Me

Welcome to my humble photoblog! I'm Jeffro Ong and this here is a rather new site of which I had set up at the beginning of November 2009. So what's there to know about me? Well, I'll briefly introduce myself and what I do, just for you *winks*

First up, my real name's Jeffrey Ong, however I go by the name Jeffro Ong because it's rather unique, different and easier to identify myself. There's plenty of Jeffrey Ong's around, but tell me how many Jeffro Ong have you seen/heard of/know? Hopefully I'm the only one around, until the end *grins* (Oh, google up the names, and you'll see what I mean)

I'm a 3rd Year student, currently studying at UCTI (in Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil) doing my degree in IT specializing in Network Computing. Don't mind the specialism, it's merely a name, because what I'm studying in quite general but more to analytical and designing aspects. On the other hand, out of college, I'm a part time free lancer - photographer, graphic editor (not often these days) and creative director. If you'd notice, what I'm studying and what I'm doing on the outside is two different things, well that's because I like being exposed in different fields. You tend to learn more than you imagine *smiles*

I have a very good theory when it comes to work. I like everyone to KIS MIE, and I personally KIS MIE too... What's KIS MIE? - It stands for "Keep It Simple, Make It Easy"

So what do I during the free times? 6 words, "I hang out and have fun!" There's a lot that life can offer, what more being with friends that doubles up the excitement? Most of the time when I'm not on either studies or work, I'd be with my family and/or friends. Their the essence of life too! *laughs*

So that's all about me, for now. Do feel free to look through "gallery" in which is still a work in progress. I do hope you enjoy it. Oh, do leave a comment or critique along with your contact, so I could learn from you or follow up with you soon after I read them. A big thank you in advance. *smiles*

For further details on what I do, do contact me at:

jeffro.ong@gmail.com or
016-6206183 or

P.s: You can catch my personal updates on my personal blog, twitter, plurk and facebook.